Need some advise

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New Member
New to this site, I was so glad to find it. Anyways, I had a lease agreement with a couple for two years. They left without notice 7 months early. Did not notify me, shut off utilities, and so forth.
I served a 7 day notice to quit, the tenant emailed me and said they left. I have no forwarding address, so on. How do I collect from them. I assume I must file a lawsuit, but how do I serve them. Anyone know a good lawyer to go after them?
You start doing some detctive work to find him. does tenant still work at his job? He can be served there. Is his mail being forwarded? Do you know any of his family or friends?
There are also alternative methods of service to include public notice in a newspaper of general circulation, etc.

A search for public records might find them, and maybe the services of a P.I.

What you have to ask yourself is: Will I be able to recoup my expenses in searching for them? If they have no money or assets, you can probably assume that anything you spend to find them will be lost. Since the amount you are out likely qualifies only for Small Claims court, you may not be able to recoup those losses there (depending on the rules in your state). Keep looking to serve them, but do not assume that even if you win in Small Claims that you will be able to collect. This may just be a loss.

- Carl
Since they will respond by email, contact them and ask them for their new address so you can send them information regarding their security deposit (hopefully you collected a security deposit).

They may provide you with this new address believing you will be sending them money.

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