Need Some Serious Advise!!!!

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:confused: Over 3 years ago I was involved in a fist fight with my ex-wifes boyfriend, at the time, now husband. The fight transpired over this gentleman coming to my house, during my visitation with my children and then trying to take them from me, without my knowing who he was, at the time. I had never met this guy before this day. He grabs my son and their personal belongings. After their mother shows up, then I put 2 & 2 together. Anyway, myself and this guy got into a fist fight, resulting in my left shoulder being dislocated, and his jaw broken. Because of this fight I was placed on 5 years probation, and ordered to pay $12,210.93 in restitution. I have, as o 6 months ago been released from probation. I have NEVER been in any type of trouble before this event, nor have i been in any since. I am desperate to have the ability to get adequate employment but because of this felony conviction, I have had some problems doing so. Can I get this expunged. I was charged with AGG. ASSLT. its an F4 class fellony?
I'm a little confused. This person broke into your house and you attacked him and were charged with a felony? I don't think you can expunge a felony. Why were you ordered to pay restitution and he was allowed to leave guiltless?

Originally posted by innocentman
:confused: Over 3 years ago I was involved in a fist fight with my ex-wifes boyfriend, at the time, now husband. The fight transpired over this gentleman coming to my house, during my visitation with my children and then trying to take them from me, without my knowing who he was, at the time. I had never met this guy before this day. He grabs my son and their personal belongings. After their mother shows up, then I put 2 & 2 together. Anyway, myself and this guy got into a fist fight, resulting in my left shoulder being dislocated, and his jaw broken. Because of this fight I was placed on 5 years probation, and ordered to pay $12,210.93 in restitution. I have, as o 6 months ago been released from probation. I have NEVER been in any type of trouble before this event, nor have i been in any since. I am desperate to have the ability to get adequate employment but because of this felony conviction, I have had some problems doing so. Can I get this expunged. I was charged with AGG. ASSLT. its an F4 class fellony?
no, the man did not break into my house, my ex-wife brought him over to my house to start a fight with me. At first i did not know this until everything had settled down. But while i was outside playing with my children this strange man whom i had never seen before, comes out of nowhere and grabs my daughter and her bags and heads for his car. I did not know what the heck was going on until she got out of the car (x-wife). well after a few choice words from the man and my attempting to walk away from the situation, I ended up with a dislocated shoulder and he ended up with a broken jaw. Certain felonies CAN NOT be expunged from what I have just been informed, such as Sexual crimes, and Murder.
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