Need to evict tenant no contract involved

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New Member
I had agreed to let a friend rent my house form me. We did not have a rental agreement just verbal. During this time we have been trying to sell the home but with her living there and the condition of the house since then we have not even been able to show it. Now it has come to my attention that through a mutual friend that the tenant has decided not to pay us the rent agreed upon and that she is hoping to be able to stay there for another month while we go through the process of trying to get her out. I was just wondering if even without a written agreement is she still protected under landlord/tenant and what is the best way to get them out legally?
The absence of a lease does not remove the law. You must go through your states legal process to remove her. Once done you can then sue for any lost monies
If the tenant is current on rent right now there is no breach of anykind. However since tenant is on month to month rental terms you can give "Notice to vacate" before you do check your states law on how much time you must give her to leave
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