Need to know if I have a ligitimate issue

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New Member
I took a new position 1 1/2 yrs ago in my company. I have been here 11 years. A year ago, a person was hired to work in the department. About 6 months into the job, the "lead" person changed jobs and my boss asked if we thought this new person would be a good "manager". We agreed. The day they made him supervisor, he did a 180 on us. Nothing we say or do is right. I was working flex hrs and he said he needed me to be there when he was there. Then, a month later he took my Fridays away that I had been off for 2 1/2 yrs. When he talks with me and another co-worker, he is constantly drilling us about the answer before we can even answer the question.

I asked him to please slow down and give us time to think of our answer and he responds, AMMMMM IIIII TTAAALLKKKINNNG SSSLLLOOOWWW EENENNOOUUGHH FOOORRRR YYYOOOUU?. If I ask a question, he almost always responds with a spiteful answer like I don't understand things so he has to make it simple.

Other people in the department (not in our little area) have been making comments on how he treats me and the other gentleman in my area. We are both at 50 years old. The 20 something new girl gets treated like a queen. I actually commented to him one day that he talks real nice to her when she has made mistakes what is up with that. He didn't comment. I have kept all the various emails the last 2 months for documentation and have even talked with his boss (which was my boss until a few months ago) about this problem. Please advise as I am going to talk to his boss again today but need to have some answers in case it goes bad. I can give more scenarios if needed.
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