New Member
I have to ask if in Kentucky.. is it against the law to go to a door and knock 2 times and get no response and you leave a bussiness card in the door that it is against the law.. why I ask is my fiance was out walking the neighboorhood after the wind damage we all got this past weekend and he is a roofer and sider and does most construction for himself and was talking to neighboors and he asked if they knew of anyone needing repairs and the person directed them to a house a few doors down, he went to the door and knocked and got no answer and knocked 1 more time then put his card in the door and it fell so he slid it into the mail slot and walked away, within minutes and a few feet from the house he had a local cop and a detective pull up and question him(one in front of him cut him off from walking and the detective in behind him) as if he was a criminal., and searched him and ran his id and the detective stated he better be glad it was his wife who was there when he knocked but didnt answer because he would have met him with his 38 and shot 1st then asked questions. then procedded to tell him it was illegal to solit for work. I have lived in this town and never heard such.then proceeded to tell him to go to a neihbooring town and see if they need help with repairs.I know the detective was WAY out of line by his comment and I am so tired of officwers thinking they are above the law and they can harrass people who are out to help others and themselves. he has done work all over tghis town and still was treated in this manner.. I want to know does he have a case for how he was addressed in this matter.. the town in a little town in western ky.i see people all the time pushing mowers and going to doors as well as people driving and stopping when your outside asking if you need work done so my issue is that it just so happen to be the detectives house that he put his card at and never spoke to anyone and walked away leaving his card. I am going to pursue this because someone has to let them know they are not above the law just because they have a badge and a gun.