Negligence, Other Injury Negligence in a parent's death in a hospital

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Parent was supposed to have 2 nurses on either side of her when not in bed. Only 1 nurse was with parent. Parent fell and had large bump on back of head the night before heart surgery. Parent died the following evening after surgery.
Parent was supposed to have 2 nurses on either side of her when not in bed. Only 1 nurse was with parent. Parent fell and had large bump on back of head the night before heart surgery. Parent died the following evening after surgery.

Please accept my condolences on the recent and tragic passing of your beloved mother.
I pray that God will keep and comfort her.
I trust that God will open His arms and comfort your family in the difficult time and days ahead.
God bless us all.
I'm sure you're grieving and just seek peace and calm as you grieve for mom.
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You will need to talk to a personal injury or medical malpractice attorney to see if the standard of care was breached and to find out if the fall had any impact at all on the death.
Agree that you need to take medical records to a medical malpractice attorney for review & also to discuss the only 1 nurse situation & get his/her opinion as to whether you might have a case. I am sorry for your loss.
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