Negligence in maintaining road caused damage to car

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New Member
My car was badly damaged when I encountered a large unmarked bump which was not visible at night. I was traveling at a very low rate of speed, but the bump is so high off the ground that the bumper of my car rammed into it at an angle, causing around $5000 worth of damage (according to initial estimates). The issue is that the bump is located just over city maintenance lines and this particular area of the road is privately owned. The very small span of road (literally about 15 feet long) is located behind a convenience store, serving as a direct connection between their back driveway and a residential street and there are no signs indicating that it is private property or that cars should not travel through this area. I actually thought that the residential street dead-ended into the convenience store driveway, but have found through tax records that the tiny piece of property sandwiched in between is owned by a third party. There is a possibility that the frame of my car is bent beyond repair and that my insurance company may total my car. I just want to know if I have any legal recourse against the owners of that property because I feel that the span of road has been ill-maintained and that my car was damaged as a result of their negligence. Can they be held liable for the damages I have sustained?
You can try. Consult with an attorney at the state you are in to see how you should go about this case.
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