

New Member
New Jersey
I broke my leg in July,9 screws & 1 plate,had to have rehab in a residential facility.That week the nurse was transferring me from the commode to bed. {My leg was in a cast and I was non weight bearing.} I asked her to fix the sheet, she let go of me and I fell backwards onto steel wheel chair legs & the garbage pail. Had to be taken by ambulance to the Dr.that did my surgery.Had a hematoma the size of a grapefruit, contusions, & bad bruises. It's still there tho smaller and still hurts to the touch. Do I have a case?

The only way you will find out is to consult a medical malpractice attorney.

Consultations are free and cases are generally taken on contingency.
All accidents aren't considered to be negligent.
Then there is the major issue of damages.
Nevertheless, a consultation with a couple personal injury attorneys can't hurt.

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