Neigbor problems

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I have had problems with my neighbor since the day he moved in 2 1/2 years ago. He has complained and harrassed us about everything under the sun from our lawn to our bushes being too tall to knocking on my door at 7:00 am to tell me to move my cars so the city sweeper can sweep the gutters. I have had the police out to my house and had him trasspassed off my property. He has harrassed my friends who were at my house for a reception when my aunt passed away he demanded they move their cars because their vehicles bumper was partially in front of his house.

The last draw is this...I am in the process of selling my house and we were meeting with potential buyers and this *!*!*! neighbor stops them and tells them not to buy my house and proceeds to tell them that there is another house for sale down the street they should look at. I heard him say this. When the buyers came inside they proceeded to tell us what he was saying. He told them that we do not have permits for our patio cover and that we have had problems with our lawn and pipes. These are all lies!

I am at my wits end with this idiot!!! I dont know what recourse I have? Does anyone have any advise they can offer?
whoa, what an idiot. Somehow all these neighbor issues here make me long to live on a ranch far far away from every other human being somewhere in the southwest desert. :)

If this happened and you can prove that and that because of this you lost the deal, you could sue him.

The tort action is called: "Interference with prospective advantage". It is not easy to prove, but this seems to be a textbook example. You need to prove interference, intent, better even is malice, and damage.

So the least thing you could do is send a warning shot that you will sue if this ever happens again.

More about this tort action here:
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