Neighboor problem

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New Member
I have lived in my apartment complex for 26 years. I have always had dogs and have never had one complaint by anyone living under me. My current neighbor has complained about something every year - unrelated to my dogs. Leaking bathrooms which necessitated the landlord putting in a new bathroom only to find that the leak was the neighbors fault. Complaining about leaks from my terrace, new terrace was put in and she complained that the new terrace leaked. Complaints of mechanical noises coming from my apartment only to find it was a ventitation system UNDERNEATH her apartment. It goes on and on she is a perpetual complainer. However, this past Sunday she put a note under my door stating that "urine" was dripping from my terrace and it smelled and she had flys, etc. I have not responded to her as I am livid, insulted and alarmed by her coming to my door. I am guessing she is trying to say that my dogs are peeing on the terrace which they are not. They are the same dogs I have had since she moved in underneath me and they are housebroken and she has never had a complaint about them in over 6 years. Water drips from the terrace after I water my flowers and plants but water also drips during and after a rainy day. She does not like animals and I am scared to death that she is going to start trouble for me with the landlord. I will not give up my dogs and I can't afford to move. I am searching for a house of my own but it is taking a lot of time. Please give me some advice as to how to handle my neighbor and my landlord should it come to that.

Thank you.
well, don't panic yet. It seems to me that the landlord should already know this person and take her complaints with a grain of salt.

She also needs a little more proof here. If the landlord asks what is going on explain things to him exactly as you did here. If he is halfways reasonable he will see what is happening.
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