Neighbor Harassment- Help?

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I am facing problems with my neighbor and at this point, I am no longer sure what to do other than to file harassment charges on her. I live in an apartment complex on the second story. Since the downstairs neighbor moved in, she has made noise complaints at least once a week- usually more than once a week. This has gone on for about 8 months. Sometimes she knocks on my door personally (which our lease states we are not allowed to do- we must contact the leasing company), other times she calls the apartment management.

Her complaints are always during the day- never at night. The noise ordinance here begins at 9 pm. I am a single working student parent- my children and I are gone from 8 am to 6 pm M-F unless someone is sick. They go to bed every night at 8 pm. My children are often gone on the weekend visiting their father or grandparents. I do not party, I do not play loud music (couldn't if I wanted to- my electronics are annoyingly quiet), I don't even have friends or boyfriends over (quiet a boring life I lead, actually).

My children are 5 and 3. They are regular kids. They are not overly hyper kids. I do not let them run around like wild animals. If ever they get too loud, as kids sometimes do, I quiet them down immediately. I do not allow them to jump off of furniture.

Over the past several months, her complaints have escalated, become more frequent, and she has started telling them things about me that are not true. She told them that I allow my dog to use the restroom on the porch and that I sweep it off. I would NEVER. She told them that I allow my kids to jump off of furniture all day long. My furniture is new, and expensive, I can assure you that this does not go on in my house. I cannot remember all of the other things she has told them.

Today, we are home with the stomach flu. My apartment manager knocks on my door for a noise complaint and when I explain to her that my kids were not being unusually loud, she told me to tip toe. I clarified just to be sure- she expects us to tip toe around our apartment.

I am a reasonable, respectful person who obeys laws, pay taxes and is generally liked. I don't want to cause problems for anyone, but ever since she has started complaining, I feel constantly stressed and anxious when my children and I are home.

When I talked to the management, they take her side. They believe everything she tells them, and they treat me with suspicion and quiet frankly, I find them rude. Short of moving, which I plan to do as soon as possible, what is my recourse? I haven't kept a journal of her complaints but even if I had, would they be enough to file harassment?
There is little you can do, short of video recording your activities 24/7 to support your story.
This is a classic A says and B says.
In your situation, and for whatever reason(s), A's word has more credibility than yours.
There isn't a legal remedy for every perceived or real wrong.
In your case, there isn't a specific legal remedy for you to employ.
I suggest you begin your search for new digs, ASAP, as this will only get worse; from your accounts!!!
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