Neighbor Harassment in apartment

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New Member
I am writing this because I am not sure what to do. I live in California and one year ago was diagnosed with Parkinson's. If you are not familiar it is a neurological condition that affects your motor skills, balance, circulation, and along with that there is pain like no other... When I found out about this nightmare I felt like my life was over. The medicine is really strong and makes me very sick. I also am not able to function normally when I am on it. My doctor had suggested that I look into medical marijuana. So 6 months ago I was prescribed marijuana. It has made my quality of life a million times better. I can function, No pain, No shakes, and I am semi normal. I have moved into a new apartment and since the first day I have lived here my upstairs neighbor has been really mean. Now if there is anything going on she calls the police. The police will not and can not legally do anything. They have been called 11 times and it is getting ridiculous at this point. Is there anything that I can do to stop the harassment.
Address the issue with 1) Your property management. Give them a deadline to resolve the problem otherwise you will have to seek legal counsel and have the attorney deal with them. Ask your property management to consider moving you to a different apartment if the neighbor simply decides to ignore their demands. Do it in writing (make it a certified letter.) That should get things started by catching your landlord's attention and hopefully putting a stop to this situation 2) Send your neighbor a cease and desist letter informing him/her that if the unfounded calls to the police continue that you will have to seek legal counsel and have your attorney deal with him/her. Hope this helps and good luck to you!
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