Neighbor Harassment

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I live in a condo building with 4 units. 2 Units on the lower level and 2 units on the upper level. I live in one of the lower levels. I have an upstairs neighbor who complains about the noise that our kids make, including how loudly they step. Initially I apologized for our kids (given at the time they were 1 and 6). But she now calls over the phone and yells at my wife. One point she yelled while we had guests over. Most recently she yelled at the kids for playing in front of our garage (which is an open area). She told all the other kids to go home and never to come around again since it is not their home (though it is our home).

Now I realize that 7 year old kids can be noisy but they don't make so much noise that upstairs neighbor can hear my 7 year old walking. Also I can't believe it would be unreasonable for 7 year old to have friends over and ride their bikes in front.

Is there any legal actions we can take against this neighbor?
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