neighbor harassment

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New Member
for the past 2 1/2 years I and my two children have been verbally attacked by a group of neighbors and harassment to point that pick my mail at night or early morning. I live in apartments building already submit in writing my concerns to the building manager, building security and my local police but nothing has been done. I have document it incidents voice recorder and video but no one can stop because -no physical harm has occur! I need to wait for one under age kids or my self gets hurt or worse I am single mom and sick I really afraid I do not a male figure or extended family. I feel scared I can not sleep and mentally drain. I am crying right now it is 2014 the United States Of America I constant fear for my children and I three Americans unable to live in their apartment without peace.

thank you
Have you thought about restraining orders?

What reason do you think your neighbors might have to be mean to you?
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