neighbor harrasment

I live in a trailer park. My daughter moved in 2 trailers over with her nanny. The nanny was going over to our neighbors and drinking while he was watching the children. My daughter told him to stop or leave. He left and moved into tge neighbors. The neighbor had 5 adults and 7 children living there. The started harrasing my daughter. Talking about her really loud and yelling at her. We asked them to stop and told them we did not want anything to do with them. They then sarted to do the same to us. My daughter called the police to ask them to stop and it only escalated from there. The taunting started getting worse. They called the police on her stating she would not give them their tv's she was storing for them. They had never asked her for them. They got all of thier neighborhood friends over for a party and were again taunting us. Yelling, getting people to walk by our property intimidating us. As the drank more it increased. They tried to provoke my husband into fighting by having the woman of the house get in his face with a gang of guys behind her.. He just walked away and called the police to get them to stop. My husband then called the landlord to see if she could do anything about the harrasment and to inform her that he called the cops. When she answered she told him he was to not call after hours was not to call the police and he was the one that needs evicting then hung up on him. He was blindsided. We fallow all the rules and are pieceful people, never had any trouble before this. Not an hour later the cops showed up at our place with the neighbor complaining that my son was who is 9 was banging on their windows threatning them. He had been in the house pkaying video games. I had a good conversation with the officer. He stated that he did not believe them and we could get a restraining order against them but they are our nneighbors. He told me tgat they are frienda with alot of people in the park and going to the manager was not going to help. He told me the best bet is for us to move. He made sence. The next morning I went up to talk to the landlord. As soin as I went in she started yelling at me about my husband. Saying that he was yelling at kids in the neigjborhood and calling them names and that he needs to stop. She would not listen to what I had to say. My husband has yelled at 2 jids since we have been there and that was after they came into our property and stole from my son and would not leave. He never called them names and he just wanted them off pur property and that was months ago. They got all of thier buddies in the neighborhood to complain. She told me that if we called the cops one more time she was prressing charges against us. We have not been able to defend ourselves. She would just talk over me when I tried to talk. I told her that we would move that we did not want to live where we dont feel safe. I do not have money to move and it feels like a overselling task with what is going on. We are currently making plans to move as fast as we can. The next day we received a notice on our door from the landlord. It stated that we are not to call the police or she will charge us. It also had fabricated claims we are not suppose to be doing. That night they called the cops again saying that my husband was threatning to kill them and they wwanted him arrested. Fortunatly the police did not beleive them and said my husband has been complying however if they keep calling the cops they will have to take action. We went out and got a camera to record our property and our movements to prove that we are complying. It is not recording anything on their property, just ours, they again called the cops today and said he was on their property filming thier cars. He was installing the cameera at the time. The cops told him that he will end up going to jail due to the fact that they just need sworn affidavits from them. Help we do not knnow what we can do. Our landlord is not helping she is actually helping them to harass us. My husband is lookinh at going to jail for nothing over this and it wont stop.
The badly beaten Rodney King once said, "Can't we all just get along?"

Peace be unto you all, neighbors, Amen.
The landlord can not take any action against you for calling the police. In fact, trying to dissuade you from reporting to police could be a legal problem for the landlord. You should hold on to that notice that was posted on the door.
If there has been any violence or threats of violence then you can pursue the restraining order.
Your best option is to start looking immediately for a better place to live.

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