Neighbor is a Benedick Arnold

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My intuition about my neighbor has been confirmed. Upon moving into the rental,in March,
we now are being evicted from, Landlords reason, complaints about the children here. My neighbor lady came to me, warned me of the mean man across the street and what a terrible cheap man our landlord is. I told her, please don't take offense, I will keep your warning in mind. I chose not to get involved in rumors/gossip, I've learned through experience, I'm better off staying to myself and family. I keep myself busy volunteering @ school, coaching children's sports,interacting with my 2 boys and their friends. Once the weather was nice, april/May the children and I started doing outside activities, fishing, playing basket/baseball. Her children came over,asked if they could join us, I said of course, I have never turned a child away. Whenever we were outside, they would come join us. At times I would be fishing alone and her oldest would ask if he could fish with me, grab a pole, I'd say. He would talk to me about baseball,school etc... then one day he stated, I wish my Mom was more like you, you let your kids have fun and you really listen when I talk. He made the same comment to my boys. I pointed out, good things about his mom, to be honest, I had to lie alittle to add some. I would never say negitive things to a child about their parents or anything else. The boy is in 6th gr. & his brother in kindergarten, Honestly, I do feel for them. Mom is older, going through her change, she is very controlling, paranoid, never interacts with them, or lets them explain,get a word in, they aren't allowed to go to friends houses or have friends over. :(
In June, our landlord told me he was getting complaints about the children here, then in July we received a vacate notice. He wouldn't tell me the nature of the complaints or where he heard them from. I had a feeling though, I was right, they were coming from the lady next door, who warned me about him and the other neighbor man. Her complaints are not warranted, she made them out of malice, jealousy,her own insecurities and lack of her being able to control me and my family. from what I got out of it, her oldest son, was starting to stand up for himself and wanted to be able to have some freedom and fun as a child should have. She feels my children, their friends & I are a bad influence on her boys, because we play, have fun and according to her that's not the way a parent should be.
Her complaints is why we have to move, I don't believe in suing someone, but she has changed my mind on that, now. Is there anyway I can take her to court and sue her for all our expenses incurred,due to her malicious actions. We are working with equal rights right now and taking action against the landlord for discrimination,(family status). We are going for loss wages, moving expenses, security, rent difference etc... I feel she should be responsible for part of the damages also, since this eviction would of never taken place, if it weren't for her instigation. I spoke with all the other neighbors and they have made statements, they never had any problems or complaints about us. :)
We have never had any problems, anywhere else we lived and feel it's important for parents to be involved in not just their childrens lives, but their friends also. Many parents in our small town appreciate and feel secure knowing their children are at our house. We don't drink, do drugs, swear (ok, not infront of the children, swear that is, had to clear that up) we stress the negitive effects of drinking, drugs and push abstinence in the sex area. I've had parents call me and ask me to find out what's up with their son/daughter, I never interfer or get involved, unless asked, then usually i'm pro parent, unless there is abuse.
Can we sue her or what can we do? :confused:
There probably is a legal basis for a suit here, it could be interference with contractual relations, but it probably would not be easy to prove this. You basically would have to prove that her intent was to get you kicked out and that because of her action you were in fact kicked out.
NYClex said:
There probably is a legal basis for a suit here, it could be interference with contractual relations, but it probably would not be easy to prove this. You basically would have to prove that her intent was to get you kicked out and that because of her action you were in fact kicked out.

In what I've heard about our landlord, I don't think he is going to want to carry the purden of being responsible for the entire financial restitution of our lawsuit. I think he would squeal in a court, to save himself from paying out. Honestly in all fairness, I don't feel he should be responsible for the entire restitution due to us, since he is not entirely to blame here. People now a days, are being allowed to get away with back stabbing, gossiping, telling lies way to much, to serve their own selfish needs, to hurt others and it needs to be stopped. I feel he's responsible for, not coming to us with her complaints, so we could of explained to him the basis of her deceitful actions. She should have to be responsible for the majority of it, since it was malious & self serving on her part, she needs to learn you can't go around bullying people as she does her family and others.
The equal rights said, we could of gone to court and fought to stay here. I told them, I would love to stay here. The problem is, we are dealing with a man who is used to getting his way and doesn't care who or what he has to do to get it. He would sell this house to his daughter or son, and we would have to move anyhow. This is the type of man we are dealing with. He built and owed half this town at one point (which he has sold all off, with the exception of this house), has a park named after him here and has done alot of not so nice things to people in this town and alot of people are afraid of him.
You know why I picked Black cloud? It seems like I have a permanent one over my head. No matter what I do, something/one always happens to screw it up and cause conflict.
I stay to myself, don't bother anyone, try to be a good role model, supply a safe activity filled place for all the children, to keep them off the street, I don't gossip and stress that to all the children too.
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