Neighbor is vandalizing my car. Police do nothing.


New Member
I purchased security cameras and installed them on the front of my house to see who has been repetitively vandalizing my car. There was a brief period of time where the damage stopped, but then we caught our next door neighbor throwing eggs out of his window and onto my car. I went to the police and showed them the footage of the eggs coming out of our neighbor's window, but since he himself was not seen on camera they couldn't pursue any charges. a couple of nights ago he slung a 1/2 inch diameter metal ball through my car's passenger side window. Again, the police can't do anything because he remained inside of his house and out of sight when he shattered my window. I cannot fix the cameras to an angle that will shoot inside their home A) because I believe it's illegal and B) because it's impossible since every house on the block shares the front wall. In other words, you could point a laser across every front door on the block without anything blocking it.

The details of the damage to the car are as follows (most occurred before cameras were installed):
- windshield wiper was ripped off... twice
- pennies were flung at the door, denting it 7 times
- he vomited into the car through the cracked windows
- keyed the door
- egged the car... twice
- tore out the valve stems of all four tires and stole the front and rear license plate
- the metal ball (mentioned above) flung into the window, shattering it

He also plays the radio through the night loud enough for the walls to vibrate. The police take an average of 3 hours to show up whenever I make a noise complaint. I live in San Francisco.

Ain't gonna be no help, Hoss.
The police can't catch what they can't see.
The low life, scum sucking thugsters are faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, packing Glock40s, drinking them 40s for they homeys, and able to trash entire neighborhoods after they've snorted, smoked, imbibed, inhaled, and injected lots of their "stuff" of choice!!!!!

I suggest you report the vandalism of your property to your auto insurance company.
That'll be much easier than trying to sue a person that you only suspect damaged yoru car.
Your insurer will investigate, and respond accordingly.

In the long run, its best to move as rapidly as you can, because the low life thugsters never change.
The more you try to stop the savage beasts, the more enraged and violent they become.

As you've discovered, the police are helpless without proof.

This will only get worse for you, and the filthy savages will only come to enjoy dispensing more pain in your life.

Get out as quickly as you can, before the body count begins to rise!!!!
I agree with Army judge. If you rent, move. If you own, sell and move.

I lived next to low life neighbors for 11 years a few decades ago. Took me that long to wise up to the fact that they would outlive and outlast me. Sold out and moved to a better neighborhood. Now, 25 years later, the low lifes still live there.

Unfortunately, with regard to your auto insurance, your insurance company will treat each incident as a separate claim with a separate deductible and you'll become a high risk for auto insurance if you report multiple claims. Your rates will go up and your company might even non-renew you for claims if allowed by your state.

I suggest you get separate estimates for the damage caused by each incident. Don't report the ones that don't exceed your deductible and think twice about collecting on the others unless they exceed your deductible by a lot of money.
It's a shame that you need to but I agree that your best bet is to move.

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