Neighbor keeps harrassing my 14yr.old son

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New Member
Well first thing is I can say anything to landlord because my neighbor is the landlord's sister-in-law and am afraid that I get evicted ifI complian because his wife is the one who takes care of all the problems who is my neighbors sister. The neighbor husband has being over to my house when I've at work and has talk to my son 14yr.old about hearing my son laughing at night and not let him sleep basically told him not to laugh. The second time was about 4weeks ago when I was at neighbor came over and did ask for me but she talk to my son again and told his that she can smell smoke coming otu of our house because she said that my son and I smoke weed and that we need to stop.One I don't smoke drug and i won't give my son am not a bad mom and this not going on in my home. Last night while I was doing the grave night shift my son said that his window was open and that he smelled burning wood so he closed it.Not even 3min. later the neighbor was knocking on his window this occured at 2am.I asked my son if he opened the curtain he replyed no he is really intimiated by the neighbor and her husband.I need help am really upset and fruastrade i can even go to work comfortable because i don't know what to expected for the neighbors not only that my neighbors husband is a registred sex offender. Please help me I don't want to lose my home I just don't know what i should do?
Short of moving, there is not much that I suspect you CAN do that will not anger the neighbor.

You can talk to the landlord, you can tell the neighbor not to talk to your son, you can tell your son to keep his window closed and not answer the door for the neighbor, you can do a great many things but none of them are guaranteed to stop the problem.

There is not enough here to convince a court to issue a civil harassment (restraining) order, and no apparent criminal activity on the part of the neighbor so the legal system is not likely to help at this point.

So, you either have to deal with it a different way or move. Sorry, but there is no easy out here.
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