Neighbor making false accusations

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I was in court on Friday with my neighbor over an "assualt by contact" between our daughters.

The judge ordered both families to a parent/child class for 10 weeks.

I just found out that the neighbor is now telling another neighbor false information that was supposedly was said in court. Mostly that I blamed that familiy and/or their daughter for incidents that were brought up.

Can I sue this neighbor for defamation of character or slander??

The nieghbor that was told this wrong information will give a writting statement or testamony.

Thanks so much!!
Originally posted by sweetmarisa
I was in court on Friday with my neighbor over an "assualt by contact" between our daughters.

The judge ordered both families to a parent/child class for 10 weeks.

I just found out that the neighbor is now telling another neighbor false information that was supposedly was said in court. Mostly that I blamed that familiy and/or their daughter for incidents that were brought up.

Can I sue this neighbor for defamation of character or slander??

The nieghbor that was told this wrong information will give a writting statement or testamony.
You have to decide for yourself whether prosecuting the neighbor is worth the time and effort. How much 'damage' do you think you were caused by this statement? You may do better by sending a demand letter to your neighbor to cease and desist sharing such false and defamatory statements.
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