Neighbor says my fence is on his property and now threating us


New Member
I bought our house in 2006 and had the fence put up right after moving in. The land survey was done and the fencing company pulled the permit. The neighbor bought the house next to us about 5 years later. Now the neighbor is telling us that we can not put the garbage cans out next to our driveway because that is his property. We tried to tell him that is where waste management said to put the cans for pickup and the property is ours. Now he is threating to dump the cans on our car if we keep putting the cans there on garbage pick up day. With both our parents passing away we have a lot of bulk pick up that really needs to go out but this neighbor is threating us if we put it out. I don't know what to do. I am a teacher and can not be called out of my classroom anymore for this foolishness. Any help is welcomed.
Have a survey done again if you are unsure where your property line is. Have that clearly marked for you and your neighbors benefit.

You might notify local law enforcement of this neighbor's comment about dumping trash on your car. They won't do anything at this point, but you will have a record of the complaint in the event the neighbor follows through and it will support a report of vandalism if any damage is caused to your vehicle or other property.

Surely you must be able to scoot the cans a few feet in another direction so they aren't in a disputed location...
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We obviously have no way of knowing whether you're putting your stuff on your property or your neighbors. Equally as obviously, if your neighbor vandalizes your car, report it to the police.

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