I recently built a house and pool. The house is on a corner lot and is set back the required 30 ft. from the street with pool attached at the back. However, when I went to erect a fence (due to the pool) I found that the covenants state the fence must be set back 50 feet from the street. This would place the fence inside my pool. I am working with the developer of the land to determine where a fence can go, but we cannot come to an agreement. (I also have extensive landscaping and do not want to run the fence through a flowerbed area.) I have to get a fence up to get my final pool inspection and for enforcement of my homeowners insurance policy. Does International Building Code trump the covenants when it comes to fencing around swimming pools, or am I stuck placing the fence exactly where the developer wants it? If I put the fence up, can the developer make me take it down? I am in Oklahoma.