Animal Injury, Dog Bite Neighbors dog gets loose and bites UPS driver on my property

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New Member
On 5/9/14 a neighbors dog had gotten lose and bit the UPS driver in my driveway when delivering a package. The injured driver contacted the dog owner and a homeowners claim was made by the dogs owner but the injured UPS man refused to settle with the insurance co. and wants to take it to trial. He got nipped on the leg and now is claiming he was bitten on his face, head, and limbs. I was there and saw the nip on the leg as he got into his truck and drove away. I saw it all and now he claims his injuries are permanent and he suffered and continues to suffer mentally and is incapacitated. The summons says the damages sum are in excess of the monetary limits of any lower courts. These alleged injuries are now exaggerated and lies. Now I was served with a summons/complaint as well as the neighbor because it happened on my property and I had NO homeowners insurance during the time of the incident. I'm a senior on a fixed income and can't afford an attorney. I don't know how to answer this summons, and I don't know why they are trying to sue me when it was not my dog. The dog is always confined either in the house or fenced yard and somehow it got out under the fence that day. I am terrified now because my house is all I have. I don't know how to answer this summons or what to do. I really need some help. Thank you in advance for reviewing this.

Patricia H.
If you can not acquire legal assistance simply show up as instructed. When given the opportunity just explain it was not your dog and there was no negligence on your part.
If you call around or visit a few attorneys you might find someone willing to help out for very little or nothing. Your situation is quite easy to handle.
Don't ignore the summons/complaint. You just need to explain the dog was not yours & you were no way involved in this act.
Have you discussed this matter with your neighbors? Perhaps ask them to have their lawyer reach out to you as you are a key witness to the events that transpired, and can testify that the UPS driver is lying.
Hi AvianPundit,the neighbors homeowners is handling it is all I know. Thank you for the suggestion though.
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