Neighbor's Kids and Wife - Property Boundaries and worse

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New Member
Quick question:
How do you handle several neighbor's kids playing field related sports (e.g., baseball, football) in their front yard and onto your front yard (essentially your front yard is the other 50 yards or outfield)? The front yards are small and the houses are very close together. We suspect we'd be potentially liable for any injuries on our property. This has been going on for the past year. Fencing the front off is not allowed by homeowners association.

What has occurred:
Several flowerbeds have been run through repeatedly. Baseballs have been hit into the house three times (once that broke a window shutter and screen but we didn't directly observe it). Kids are playing tackle football in our concrete driveway.

What we've done:
We've asked the kids firmly but nicely to stay out of the yard several times. After about the second time of asking the kids in a month or so, mom ran over and started screaming at us and then walked off. It happened again about a month later and then Dad came over, was mildly sympathetic, but indicated they wouldn't stop. We've got pictures of the damage, but none "in the act" of causing the damage.

Most disturbing:
After each time we've asked to have them off the lawn, within the next week nails mysteriously appear over night under our car tires. This has happened 3-4 times and we have made a habit of checking our tires before we leave.
Have you talked to the cops?
Not yet, other than to call and verify that our driveway is our property (we knew the sidewalk is community property). Also, we really don't have any hard proof of anything other than the tresspassing (though I don't know how much proof of that is necessary). We have however, after each issue written it up with the pictures and gotten our version notarized. They also have a lawyer in the family which causes us additional concern (i.e., if things get too heated they can do for free what may end up costing us a lot).

We're thinking of setting up some wireless webcams in windows to catch what is going on during the day while we're at work and at night.

I've also heard we should send a certified letter to them if this continues. Is that right and if so what should it say?
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Not yet, other than to call and verify that our driveway is our property (we knew the sidewalk is community property).

Cops should not give legal advice.

I've also heard we should send a certified letter to them if this continues. Is that right and if so what should it say?

"Dear Neighbors: Stop [insert here what you want stopped]. Sincerely, yours, etc."

We're thinking of setting up some wireless webcams in windows to catch what is going on during the day while we're at work and at night.

Make sure they are only pointed at your property.
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