Domestic Violence & Civil Orders Never get any real answers or help after years of litigation life is ruined


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I've been threatened and lied about for five years by my ex whom is a public defender. They were caught lying to the Police about me and no one has ever cared in court. They've repeatedly and continue to make up lies about me in civil and criminal court and never have to prove anything, tells the court that the fact I even filed any paperwork in my defense, or when they would violate our parenting plan, was just to harass them and had no basis in reality. They forced me to undergo a mental health evaluation which I passed but they told the court to make me do it again and they are. Once they even blackmailed me into watching our mutual child and made me take a day off of work so they could go to work that day at their public defender job. They told me they'd ruin my life, and they definitely have. I reported these things to the police, the bar association, and the bar association ignored my complaints or waited until I lost in family court to write their dismissal, even though all the events occurred either months or years in the past. I reported them to the bar because I couldn't and still can't afford an attorney. When I could, my own attorneys either did very little or nothing at all. I would terminate their representation, and hire a new one, and had done this a few times because as one finally admitted to me, they were more concerned with how bad they might look if they went up against another lawyer. I lost my child and now I can't even find a decent job anymore because I was forced to plead guilty to DV charges for violating an order, but I had basically out of fear contacted this person and told them to stop ruining my life - because at that point I could see pretty clearly that no one would do anything to help, obviously that was stupid but after literally 10 different lawyers and $10's of thousands of dollars, I had no idea what to do and was scared and still am. My life is a nightmare and I don't know what to do. My ex repeatedly violates our parenting plan and always gets away with it, and continues to violate it to this day and I have no money and became homeless from what's been a never ending nightmare that I still can't understand. I need real honest advice. Can anyone actually do anything for me? Ever?
Can anyone actually do anything for me?

You betcha, boss.

You can easily help yourself by making sure YOU save yoruself.

You can make the choice to stay away from the female and the children.

By your own account the female has driven you from great wealth to homelessness.

You have spent your fortune defending yourself against the superior legal mind of the female.

Hint, stay as far away from THAT female as possible.

Never, ever darken that woman's door, call her phone number, send her an email, a note via carrier pigeon, a message by your cousin Luther Lex, or a note carried by your canine, Rex.

Yes, it will be painful.
But, it will cost you nothing.
You will regain your sanity.
You can rebuild your fortune, and stop feeding hungry attorneys.

Choose and then act wisely, citizen.

You alone can save your very life!

Hell yes, you can start fixing this mess tonight!

By tomorrow morning you'll be a new person, rising from the ashes of your life to become a better you!
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I'm assuming from your 'screen name' you actually served our country and for that I sincerely thank you. To reply: I eventually came to this same conclusion after so many years, and should have been more obvious to me sooner, but I cared about my child too much to let them go. Serious questions however remain. Because from so much unwanted experience, I learned the hard way that if anything questionable has ever happened to me, don't bother looking for answers. I promise I'm not here to tell tales or waste your time. I guess I assumed at some point my ex would be questioned to produce some evidence of the things they make up? Is the idea it only takes one screw up and the rest of the narrative is controlled by someone else, no matter what happened before or from now on? Where's the explanation? Why Wouldn't I be able to ask if they can at least do it a little less? Why do I frequently find or at least feel very strongly that I was never allowed to speak up about certain things or else I'll turn out like this? Pretty incredible stuff.
Is the idea it only takes one screw up and the rest of the narrative is controlled by someone else, no matter what happened before or from now on?

That is always a possibility.

Another possibility is that life assists some, but it also screws others.

You can't help another person, IF you need help yourself.
You have to fix yourself, before you can fix or help others.
Mate, you've been screwed.
The only to avoid more screwing is avoid the she beast that you say has destroyed your life.
One day your kid will be an adult and not be under the thumb of the she beast.
Wait until that day comes to tell yoru kid your side of the story.

Until that day happens, stay low, keep under cover, and avoid a real shellacking.

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I'm assuming from your 'screen name' you actually served our country and for that I sincerely thank you.

You're welcome, but as I always say, Uncle Sammy paid me, fed me, clothed me, and educated me.
Today I get a great pension, excellent bennies, and other perks.
Heck, he even sent me to law and medical school.
All that I did was the greatest honor of my life, for the greatest nation in the history of humankind.

Why do I frequently find or at least feel very strongly that I was never allowed to speak up about certain things or else I'll turn out like this? Pretty incredible stuff.

The one who often tells their story first is the one most people believe.
Either way, take the time to fix YOUR life.
Once you do that, wait until your kid is an adult.

In the interim, stay away from the beast.
One of their siblings told me they're a 'dangerous sociopath'.. so I think there's some consensus on your answer. I sure miss my kid every day and always will, most special person I've ever known.
How old is your "kid"? When did all these court actions take place?

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