Never Loan Money to a friend!

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3 Years ago I loaned a friend some money to pay the IRS for owed taxes, No money has been paid back yet after asking many times, I recently got a copy of the Cert Check with his name on it and (payment to the IRS) on it, I also have a copy of my bank statement saying I withdrew that same amount that day. Is this enough for small claims court? Or is their anything else I would need?

Thank You for any help,
Did you make him sign an agreement regarding repayment of the debt? That would help your case tremendously. Also, are there any witnesses to this transaction? If yes, get an affidavit. Otherwise, file the case against him in small claims court but be aware that the magistrate will ask you why did it take three years for you to take action against your friend. Good Luck!
Nothing was signed and the only witness was he wife which they are currently Separated, for that reason and the fact that I moved out of town around the same time is why it has been 3 years. Thats the only reason for the delay I guess. But I will try small claims court when I get back home.

Thank you for the help.
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