never notified of lien, now being sued

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: AZ

a lien was placed on my property by my HOA and I was never notified. the way I found out, 10 months later, was by them suing me. can anyone put a lien on your property without letting you know? do i have any defense? I want to fight them but I don't know how.
It is usually polite, but not required, to notify the owner when placing the lien on their property.

There are ways to have a lien discharged from your property, but most of them involve forcing the owner to take action to enforce the claimed debt within a certain period of time. Since they've sued, they have probably satisfied the requirement.

I would be more worried about the suit than about the lien at this point. The best way to make the lien go away is to not lose the suit. You should consult a lawyer.
I actually am more worried about the suit. They don't deserve to get away with this but I'm not equipped to fight them. I'm sure that's what they're counting on. Thanks for your reply dee_dub
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