New car, transmission cracked on private college property

There are buses and taxis and uber drivers.
There are no buses going to the campus believe ot or not. The shuttle doesn't even go near anywhere I live and once again I pay $30,000 tuition not to take a cab for another $50 each way 4 days a week. Thanks but you make NO SENSE
What I see lacking here is any kind of proof, other than the poster's word, that the ONLY possible source of damage is the exit from the parking lot. How does the school know that you didn't hit something else, somewhere else, were not seen and thus never reported it? How does the court know that? How do we know that, for that matter? Yes, I know that's what you SAID, but you have a vested interest in having someone else be responsible. (No, this is not an accusation - I'm trying to make a point.)

Do you see why it would be a difficult win?
Yes I know, I was thinking about it too because even though I know exactly how it happened I'd have to figure out a way to prove it. I spoke to few students today and one of them has a friend that also ruined her car leaving that same exact parking lot. I also spoke to my insurance company about it and they said since the bump is right by the street it should be the town's responsibility. They advised to complain to the city hall within 70 days and gather signitures proving that the exit is a problem and inconvinience to other people as well.
Think what you want but again no one put a gun to your head and forced you to park there. You don't like the other options, but there were other options.
The insurance is likely covering it because there is damage, not because they agree with your assessment of where/how that damage occurred. It is not much different than your car being damaged by someone hitting it in a parking lot, or you running into a mailbox. Hunting down the culprit isn't necessary to cover repairs under the terms of your policy.

Surely if every single vehicle on this large campus were bottoming out each and every day, "someone" would have fixed it. Your car might do so based on the size, weight, suspension and various other factors someone much more familiar with cars would know. Regardless, absent from your post is what you have done to bring this problem to anyone's attention who has the authority to fix it.

Other than that, get to campus earlier so you can get parking in the "good" lot. Transferring schools is an absurd solution.

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