New landlord wants lease signed

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New Member
I've been living in my current Massachusetts apartment since 2001, having paid first and last months rent per my one year lease (yes I still have recipts). After the year was over a new lease was never signed, so I guess I'm a tenant at will.

A few years ago my landlord passed away and the property has been passed on to, now the third family member. He wants a new lease signed and we are meeting in a couple days.

My question is am I totally at his mercy for new lease terms? Agree to whatever the new lease says or move?

Also, is my 'paid' last month payment still valid?

Thank you,

As a tenant at will, you are in a rather precarious position. Yes, you could terminate the lease with a minimal amount of notice..but so could the landlord.

In the case of a new lease, your options are to agree to what the lease states, attempt to negotiate or consider finding a new place to live. One would think that a landlord might be willing to negotiate for such a long term tenant; however, this would depend on what you might demand.

Your last month paid should still be valid.

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