New landlord wants security deposit

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New Member
Two years ago we moved into a rental house. We signed a two year lease and paid the security deposit like we were supposed to. The landlord at the time did not inform us that she was in a legal battle with her brother for ownership of the property. After a year we were informed by the landlord's brother that he now had legal custody of the property. He informed us that he was raising the rent and he wants a security deposit as well. My question is do I legally have to pay another deposit? He made me sign a new lease even though the old lease had time left on it.
The security deposit "rolls over" to the new owner. Brother can get it from his sister.

How did he "make" you sign a new lease? Your old lease would have remained in effect until it naturally expired.

He told us that if we wanted to stay we had to sign a new lease. He is a lawyer and is very intimidating. I thought we had no choice.
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