New owner/landlord trying to evict us...Options?

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New Member
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for taking the time to open and hopefully read this thread.

I currently am living with my fiance, his brother, and his mother in a home they have been renting since 2008.

The original owner of the property went into default on payments, ran off with their security deposit, and let the property go into a bankruptcy state.

The bank, then owning the property, agreed to allow them to stay in the house as long as they were paying rent and following all rules signed in their real estate written up lease. Their lease, not ending until January of 2011.

Last month on the 11th, the bank sold and closed the house to a buyer.

On the 18th (a week later) we were served with a 3-day Vacate notice for "not paying" our rent.

My fiance and his brother have paid rent every month (1st-5th) from the beginning of moving into the property and ESPECIALLY during the time the bank owned it, as they didn't accept any late payments.

The next day we went to the phony law office that the new owner, whom still hasn't introduced himself to us, went to and showed them our proof of payment to the bank and a copy of the money coming out of our bank account.

No response from them after. On this 30th of June, I called the agent to whom represents our landlord and asked if we send the payment to her, as instructed in the '3-day vacate' for our month of July. She said to contact the lawyer, as she rudely advised us she is no longer involved.

As we gathered up our payment for July and prepared to take it into the law office, the lawyer said HE IS NOT TAKING PAYMENTS for his client.
"His client will see us in court"

The next day, being served a Summons for Unlawful Detainer-Eviction, we were appalled!

This new landlord is trying to kick us out, for no legitimate reason, and is trying to terminate our lease before January.

I will be going to the Courthouse Tuesday, to file an answer, and from there they'll hopefully give us a court date...

Please, if you have any knowledge of current real estate laws or know facts about what we can do, it would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you.

We have spoken to a very well-known lawyer within the City of LA and he has given us some advice, but all the more, all the better for court!
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for taking the time to open and hopefully read this thread.

I currently am living with my fiance, his brother, and his mother in a home they have been renting since 2008.

The original owner of the property went into default on payments, ran off with their security deposit, and let the property go into a bankruptcy state.

The bank, then owning the property, agreed to allow them to stay in the house as long as they were paying rent and following all rules signed in their real estate written up lease. Their lease, not ending until January of 2011.

Last month on the 11th, the bank sold and closed the house to a buyer.

On the 18th (a week later) we were served with a 3-day Vacate notice for "not paying" our rent.

My fiance and his brother have paid rent every month (1st-5th) from the beginning of moving into the property and ESPECIALLY during the time the bank owned it, as they didn't accept any late payments.

The next day we went to the phony law office that the new owner, whom still hasn't introduced himself to us, went to and showed them our proof of payment to the bank and a copy of the money coming out of our bank account.

No response from them after. On this 30th of June, I called the agent to whom represents our landlord and asked if we send the payment to her, as instructed in the '3-day vacate' for our month of July. She said to contact the lawyer, as she rudely advised us she is no longer involved.

As we gathered up our payment for July and prepared to take it into the law office, the lawyer said HE IS NOT TAKING PAYMENTS for his client.
"His client will see us in court"

The next day, being served a Summons for Unlawful Detainer-Eviction, we were appalled!

This new landlord is trying to kick us out, for no legitimate reason, and is trying to terminate our lease before January.

I will be going to the Courthouse Tuesday, to file an answer, and from there they'll hopefully give us a court date...

Please, if you have any knowledge of current real estate laws or know facts about what we can do, it would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you.

We have spoken to a very well-known lawyer within the City of LA and he has given us some advice, but all the more, all the better for court!

This is simple.
The new owner just wants you out.
He can't get you out until, January 2011.
He can't do that unless he does it correctly.
You don't have to go anywhere until January 2011.

Just go to court when instructed.
Take all of your rent due (and owing) in the form of cash or a cashier's check.
Don't worry about no one taking it.
Just document who refused it, when it was refused, and what you were told.

The "well known lawyer" told you what to do.
I won't repeat it all.
When you tell the judge what happened and when, you might get a nice surprise.
Take all of the documents that you've received.
You might be told that you don't owe any rent for the fiasco you just went through.

You'll learn all of that when you get to court.
But, have all rent due and owing when you get there.

Now, if there is anyone living in that home who's name doesn't appear on the lease, you shouldn't admit it.
That person shouldn't admit it.
If you have pets, not on the lease, get them out.
Do nothing that the lease doesn't permit.
It isn't just about paying rent.

You can't break any of the lease provisions.
The lease must be obeyed.

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