Other Debt NICOR Utility Bill

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New Member
My local gas company NICOR has me on the ropes. I have an outstanding bill of $1,500 with them. I attempted to call today and start a payment plan. Upon calling, they now say I owe $8,000. Upon asking how and why, I was informed that when my roommate and I signed the lease for the house we rent, both of our names are on the lease and she owes and additional $6,500 in outstanding bills. So, since my name was first on the lease (legal document) I am the primary account holder and I now owe the full $8,000. They now say both accounts have been put under one account number and they refuse to let me start making payments on my debt of $1,500. How am I responsible for someone else's debt? This is absolutely unacceptable and I am getting nowhere with the representatives.
My local gas company NICOR has me on the ropes. I have an outstanding bill of $1,500 with them. I attempted to call today and start a payment plan. Upon calling, they now say I owe $8,000. Upon asking how and why, I was informed that when my roommate and I signed the lease for the house we rent, both of our names are on the lease and she owes and additional $6,500 in outstanding bills. So, since my name was first on the lease (legal document) I am the primary account holder and I now owe the full $8,000. They now say both accounts have been put under one account number and they refuse to let me start making payments on my debt of $1,500. How am I responsible for someone else's debt? This is absolutely unacceptable and I am getting nowhere with the representatives.

They have you bent over the kitchen table.

Nowhere to run or hide.

You can speak with a local lawyer, or the public utility commission in your state:


You can file an online complaint. But, don't expect a miracle, although they do occasionally happen.

You can reach them between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday by calling 800-524-0795 or 217-782-2024.


The ICC's Consumer Services Division provides assistance to consumers in the resolution of informal complaints with regulated utilities and other entities. Informal complaints, as the name implies, are those handled by the Staff that works for the ICC, and are not formally considered by the Commission itself. The informal complaint process is a required step that must be taken before a formal complaint can be filed at the ICC. It is important to note, however, that the informal complaint procedure does not serve as a placeholder when it comes to the 2 year time limit for a utility customer to seek relief for the product or service performed or for an incorrect billing(refunds). Under Illinois law, only the formal complaint can do this, so when you make your informal complaint, please be certain to let us know how far back in time this matter extends. If the informal complaint process cannot secure the resolution you are seeking or the utility fails to respond in a timely fashion, then you may file a formal complaint. Once filed with the Commission, the formal complaint will be given a docket number and assigned to an Administrative Law Judge. If the formal complaint proceeds to a hearing, the process is similar to a court hearing.

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