Passport nine months for a passport

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In September of 2007 I sent my passport application and everything that was required of me plus the extra money to have my passport expedited. Two weeks later I receive an envelope with information that told me that I needed to send more information to them, 5 more forms of identification, my complete work history, my complete family history for my immediate family (where they were born, birthdates, etc), and every place I've ever lived. Well after about 2 months I finally was able to get the information to the best of my abilities and I sent the information to them in early November, still long before the 90 days for suspension.

Well, here it is June 12, 2008 and I have yet to receive my passport or even my birth certificate back from the New Orleans Passport agency. I've called their office on several occasions and was told that they are working on it and I would get a call back since June. I've contacted my local Congressman's office for help, they told me that they would be sending my stuff back because they couldn't confirm my identity, this was a month ago that they were suppose to be sending me my stuff back and after hundreds of dollars spent to get information to them to prove that I'm me.

My question is, is there anything legally I can do for this. I was suppose to go to Europe October of 2007, not sure I can do this now financially this year, but would still love to have my passport since I've paid more than I should have.

Thank you in advance...
You need to wait and see what their reasons for the denial or delay are....... I can't advice you without knowing what is causing this investigation. You might have a similar name to someone of interest to them or something.............Just be patient and keep calling for updates
The only thing they've told me is that they are having problems confirming my identity. Usually I get the, someone will call you back this week, and 2 weeks later I call them.
Then just keep up the pressure on them............Hopefully someone there would one day be patient and take care of it.............or Let you know more detail information. Hiring a lawyer to send them letters would be faster but not cost efficient. Give it another month or two before taking the next step.
Thanks for the reply. Was told that they were sending all of my stuff back to me, over a month ago. Just getting fed up with all of this, especially with all of the money this process has cost me and will cost me in reapplying.
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