NJ Liscense: PO Box Instead of Street Address

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New Member
When I got my new digital liscense in 2004 from motor vehicles, i told them I needed everything sent to my PO Box. They put the PO Box as my address on the liscense. Over the past couple years I have been pulled over a few times and only once did the officer even mention it. This past Friday I was pulled over for a headlight out, and the officer wigged out about the PO Box and wrote me a summons for not having a street address on my liscense. The statute # is not legible on the ticket. Is this for real? What is the penalty? If I am found guilty and fined, do I have any recourse with MVC? Thanks in advance for any info.
And what did the DMV tell you when you called and asked your questions?
I haven't had a chance to call yet. I got the ticket Friday night and didn't have the chance to call the the past 2 days. I'm going to call Thursday. I just posted on here to see what info I could get in the mean time. I will post what info I get on Thursday.
Well I talked to MVC and they told me I shouldn't have been given the ticket. I called, told the woman the situation, and she asked for my DL #. When my info came up, she said that my street address was in the system, so there should have been no problem. She said the officer was too lazy to run my liscense. She also said that mine was the second call she fielded this week about this charge, after never hearing of problems before.

Funny note: She started to rant a little about the police, and then had to stop herself, mentioning that she forgot the call was being taped.

Have a good weekend
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