NNN Lease - HVAC clause


New Member
North Carolina
The building has several HVAC units. They range in age from 12-16 years old. 5-year NNN commercial lease with option to renew. New tenant wants landlord to be responsible for replacement when needed. Landlord wants tenant to be responsible for it. What's common ground solution?
What's common ground solution?

The solution is best achieved when the parties agree.

Outside, uninvolved, uninterested parties can't have, nor do they possess the ability to do anything other than complicate, obfuscate, and confuse matters.

Bottom line, this uninterested, uninformed party must respond: NO COMMENT.
The building has several HVAC units. They range in age from 12-16 years old. 5-year NNN commercial lease with option to renew. New tenant wants landlord to be responsible for replacement when needed. Landlord wants tenant to be responsible for it. What's common ground solution?
One suggestion might be for one party to be responsible for the cost of the unit and the other to be responsible for the cost of installation.