No Account Activation Email?

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Well-Known Member
Even though my account is active, I cannot edit any settings on my account. When I click to get an activation email resent to my email address, it does not come. I've checked my spam folders (empty) and the inbox. I am receiving other emails from this forum, but no activation email.

Is this just an undocumented feature?
It seems I need an activation email to access settings. When I attempt (be it Settings/Edit Profile) I get the following message:

boyzgrrl, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

I did not receive any kind of activation email. I've checked my desktop client and the email provider's website (to have a good look at the spam folder). I've also cleared the browser cache. This site will let me post all day long. It won't let me edit my profile or general site settings. A bit frustrating for me. 8|
I'll send a PM to the owner of the site (admin.) - thelawprofessor & tell him to refer to this thread & to post something here for you as to what the problem might be. He will check into it - he has checked into problems for me. Betty3
No problem.................... :)
Just contact us at support of there is ever a problem. That's very strange that you aren't receiving any emails. What settings are you trying to change that you cannot edit?

I click on my username in the menu bar and click 'Settings'. From there I click 'General Settings' under the 'My Settings' menu. I get the above noted message. I get the same message when I click 'Edit Profile' under the same 'My Settings' menu.

I've attempted to have the activation email resent more than once but no joy (I find that link in this thread:

I am receiving emails from the Forum if I forget to 'Unsubscribe' to threads. But no activation emails.
You're already a registered member (as you can see, it says "registered user" under your name). You don't need to have a confirmation at this point. Are you receiving emails about replies in the forum? You should receive one regarding this reply.

Second question - exactly what is it that you're trying to edit? Perhaps I can specifically address those question.

I will have more documentation out shortly that will probably be helpful about user profile editing, probably by the end of the month.

And thank you Betty for your help! :D
You're already a registered member (as you can see, it says "registered user" under your name). You don't need to have a confirmation at this point. Are you receiving emails about replies in the forum? You should receive one regarding this reply.

Second question - exactly what is it that you're trying to edit? Perhaps I can specifically address those question.

I will have more documentation out shortly that will probably be helpful about user profile editing, probably by the end of the month.

And thank you Betty for your help! :D

I went under "Go Advanced" button and turned off the subscription, so I did not get an email (but I do have several before I figured that out).

I would like to edit my profile (add my location, things like that). I would like to add a signature. I would like to make other adjustments (like turn off the auto subscription when I reply to threads).

When I try to edit any settings, I get a blue-bordered box in the middle of the webpage that says:

boyzgrrl, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
As you'll notice, your screen name is now in purple and that means you're an "approved" member in addition to being registered. You should be able to perform a number of additional options here. Thanks for contacting us and informing us.
As you'll notice, your screen name is now in purple and that means you're an "approved" member in addition to being registered. You should be able to perform a number of additional options here. Thanks for contacting us and informing us.


I'll endeavor to be an asset to the board. :)
Welcome boyzgrrl. :) ................
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