No car insurance in New Jersey

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Car insurance lapsed, didn't have $$ to pay premium and then forgot about it.
Just started new job 2 wks ago.
Got pulled over last week for fog lights and then expired car insurance card.
Cop was very nice-fog lights were legal, said if got insurance w/i the next couple of days he would talk to the prosecutor at court. Didn't impound car-said to save me the $$ for that.
Ok-went home and immediately got online and with friend's credit card got geico insurance so I'm legal.
Now I find out the it's 1 yr mandantory license suspension in NJ for 1st offense? Holy cow-just when things were starting to look up.
Anyway-is there ANYTHING that can be done?
What's the fine? Do I have to pay it all at once in court? Never been there before.
Don't have $$ for lawyer so that's out.
:( please help anyone.
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