The board may:
(a) Reinstate or continue the alleged violator on parole subject to the same or modified conditions of parole;
(b) Revoke parole and require that the parole violator serve the remaining balance of the sentence as provided by law;
(c) Impose sanctions as provided in ORS 144.106 (Violation of post-prison supervision conditions); or
(d) Delegate the authority, in whole or in part, granted by this subsection to its designated representative as provided by rule.
(3) Within a reasonable time prior to the hearing, the board or its designated representative shall provide the parolee with written notice which shall contain the following information:
(a) A concise written statement of the suspected violations and the evidence which forms the basis of the alleged violations.
(b) The parolees right to a hearing and the time, place and purpose of the hearing.
(c) The names of persons who have given adverse information upon which the alleged violations are based and the right of the parolee to have such persons present at the hearing for the purposes of confrontation and cross-examination unless it has been determined that there is good cause for not allowing confrontation.
(d) The parolees right to present letters, documents, affidavits or persons with relevant information at the hearing unless it has been determined that informants would be subject to risk of harm if their identity were disclosed.
(e) The parolees right to subpoena witnesses under ORS 144.347 (Subpoena power of board).
(f) The parolees right to be represented by counsel and, if indigent, to have counsel appointed at board expense if the board or its designated representative determines, after request, that the request is based on a timely and colorable claim that:
(A) The parolee has not committed the alleged violation of the conditions upon which the parolee is at liberty;
(B) Even if the violation is a matter of public record or is uncontested, there are substantial reasons which justify or mitigate the violation and make revocation inappropriate and that the reasons are complex or otherwise difficult to develop or present; or
(C) The parolee, in doubtful cases, appears to be incapable of speaking effectively on the parolees own behalf.