No Deposit, Broke lease?

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New Member
I signed a one year Lease in to Start in January 2010. I lived there till the End of May 2012. When I asked my landlord for my security deposit back he sent me a letter to inform me that I had broken the lease, by not giving him a 30 day written notice and that i would not be receiving my deposit back. Is there anything I can do?
Make sure you give landlord your new address. If you do not receive your deposit or an itemized list of damages accounting for the use of your deposit within 21-30 days then you may sue the landlord for the deposit and possibly an additional amount. I believe here in CA the tenant can ask for up to three times the amount of the deposit.
If you failed to give proper notice the landlord still must attempt to rent the unit. If the landlord is not able to find. Tenant THEN you may owe damages. If landlord quickly finds a tenant and has no loss then you owe nothing.
I suggest you print out a copy of your state law regarding the returnof deposits and provide it to the landlord with a polite request for full refund. If you don't get it then go to court.
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