no insurance, at fault accident

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New Member
In December of 2004 I was in an accident that was deemed my fault. At the time I was not aware that my insurance had lapsed and I was without insurance. So needless to say, I received an at fault, no insurance ticket. I am scheduled to go to court on march 8th, but I don't really know what to do. I need to find a way to pay for the ticket, but I am extremely strapped for cash. The other vehicles insurance contacted me with what I need to pay and it exceeds $5,000 without the medical expenses. I have no idea what to do, I cannot pay this. Are there any options out there besides simply losing my license. I have to drive to get to work or I will have NO money at all. Any advice might help, this all took place in Washington state.
You are in big trouble and not just with the ticket. You need the advice of a local attorney. I know that you are avoiding this because of the money but see if their is a legal aid office in your area. If not pay $200 for a consultation.

You are fixing to get hit with a lawsuit for the damages and medical expenses and you need to know your options. This is not a situation for a bulletin board.
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