no interview?

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Of course. This happens all the time. Putting in an application only tells the employer you are interested in a job. You have no idea how many applications they received, or if they are even hiring, or if you are even qualified?

Keep looking. Be sure the application is filled completely and legibly. Follow up with a phone call a week later. Keep putting apps in with different employers and eventually you will receive a call.
If I had a dollar for every time I'd applied for a job and not gotten an interview, I'd have enough money saved up so that I wouldn't have to work for two years.

There is no possible way an employer can interview everyone who applies. I've posted jobs and had (I am not even exaggerating here) a hundred applications within the first hour.

Keep trying.
actually i did qualify and they were sister works up's a grocery store....but anyway..thanks...i'm new to the whole job thing......thanks again

And if they get 62 qualified applicants for one opening? (Yes, that happens; I've had it happen.) Do you expect that all 62 will get an interview? Sorry, can't happen. No one has the time or the resources to interview everyone who applies, or even everyone qualified who applies.

I have one friend who interviews the first five qualified applicants to apply, and that's it. She'll only go on the the remainder if she doesn't feel any of those five are the right fit for the position.

It's unfortunate that they didn't call you, but they didn't violate any laws.

BTW, if your sister works for them, that may be why they didn't call you. Some employers won't hire new employees who are related to people already working there due to a potential conflict of interest. And that's perfectly legal too.
yes, you both told me that before...but like i said i wasn't sure so i was just checking .............and no ...because my sister said that they are hiring again and she went and talked to the lady doing the interviewing and she said for me to put in another's not the sister thing though..........thanks for your help
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