No lease- Roomate left with no pay--sue?

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My roomate has been very difficult to live with. A few months ago when she moved in, she refused to sign a lease at the point where it was too late for me to find someone else, then she refused to pay a deposit to me, so I had to pay it myself (all of which she agreed to do before she moved in). She didn't respect myself or our other roomates wishes, had her sister live with us for a month ( without paying rent, or asking our permission) and persisted in allowing late night, loud slumber parties against our verbally confronted wishes. She is messy, put a hole in the wall, destroyed the carpet and did not control a party of her friends that got out of hand (hard drugs, loud DJ, public nudity, you name it it was at the party!). She then tells us two weeks before the new month ( and next months rent is due...) that she was moving out and promised to pay the next months full rent because of her late notice, and clean the room at which she destroyed. We gladly agreed, relieved that we didnt then have to kick her out. Now two weeks later she has darted out of the room two days into the new months refusing to pay for the full month, "I'll only pay for the day's I'm here, so I'll give you $40.00". The rent is past due. She isnt paying us simply becuase I told her friends to leave the apartment that morning, her sister, I told is not allowed to spend the night here anymore, its against our lease terms, and her friends cant stay when the roomate they came to see isn't even there (she always leaves for work leaving her friends stranded in the apartment without our permission.) So now we're left with a hole in the wall from a slammed door, a destroyed carpet, a stolen internet router and cooking supplies, a missing $623 in rent, unpaid utilities of her half, and emotion distress on me. During our argument over the rent she allowed her friends to verbally abuse me to the point that I was in extreme tears. All of this is the situation at hand, not even considering the fact that she still hasn't paid the $900 deposit. She has been writing me checks in my name for $623 every month, but like I said, she is, and never was under any contract. Do I have a case to sue her for the money she owes and for the stress she's caused me?
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