No Lease Signed

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New Member
I was living in this apartment for 2 years before the new people bought the apartment . It was in bad shape so me and my husband did all the work to it so we just had to pay 100.00 depoist. After being there for 5 years I never signed a lease with the new landlord. a couple a months ago we got two months behind on our rent. and was working on catching it up when the apartment got flooded by the outside rain. Landlord said he didnt have insurance. All they did was have someone clean the carpet well actually just shampoo the carpet. My son started getting sick and we was wondering why it was mold growing on the walls. So we moved out and now they are saying we owe them all this rent money. Can someone tell me do we really have to pay anything.
Several questions....

Did your previous lease (i.e., the one with the previous owners) have, by any chance, an automatically renewal where it continues to be a yearly lease until notification is provided by either party to terminate this type of setup?

In the absence of a written lease (or such a clause in a previous lease), a tenant is considered to have a "tenancy at will" or be a month to month renter. In other words, the lease renews each month, usually beginning on the first day of the month and ending on the last day (if rent is paid monthly).

In Tennessee such a lease can be terminated by either the tenant or the landlord by giving a 30 day written notice:

Was this provided?

How much money do they say you owe and did they specify what this was for?

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