No Money-No Lawyer

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New Member
The Facts:

I July 08 I left my resident with nothing but the clothing on my back after being assaulted by my soon to be ex. 2 days later she locked me out of my resident and refused to give me my personal effects. In December 08 she was awarded spousal support, and child support during perceeding I ask about the return of my personal effect and was informed by the judge that that issued could not be addressed during this session. I might also add she was also awarded attorney fee's ( I can not afford one myself).

Now it is amost 5 months later after the court date and spousal support and child support is being paid still now personal effect have not been returned to me yet. I filed an "At Issue Memorandumn" to only be flooded with discovery motions from her attorney. She has sold cars, held my personal effect, cancelled policies and kept income from the income property. My quesiton is how can I go about having my personal effects returned to me, be and compensated for the sell of my car, hording of the rental income and just plain end this marriage. Is there some specific document I need to file beyond what i have already filed to end marriage? Please help me
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