no permit for extension on my unit!

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New Member
we had an issue with wet carpets and what appears to be mold in our bedroom. The property manager could not fix it, stating they would have to board up our bedroom/bathroom and change our 3 BR 2 bath to a 2/1. we didnt like this and agreed to move out, with landlord verbally waiving our rent for 2 months. we called a building inspector and he found there were no permits obtained to convert our "carport" (which we didnt know it was) into a bedroom. now he has to hire a contractor to fix problems and this upset him, now he is demanding all of his rent and is keeping our deposit, saying he will sue. the florida landlord tenant act clearly states that if building codes are violated, rent can be withheld with proper notice (which we gave for the last of the 2 months, failing to give proper notice for the first month, our fault). still, i feel we have rights at least not to be sued as he rented us a 3/2 that really was a 2/1 for over 18 months. i at least want my deposit back. he cant just keep it it has to be in escrow and released by a judge, i believe. what are my rights? any help would be greatly appreciated!
Bring an action in small claims court and tell it to a judge.

He isn't going to do it because you asked.

He will if a judge orders him to do it.
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