no rent

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New Member
I have a house that I rent. The renter is about 5 months behind in rent. This is not the first time they have been late with the rent. The house needs some work done on it. At one time the renter was going to fix some the things at the house, which He did. I took some of the rent off,untill I paid for the repairs. I paid for all the meterails to do the job. I also told him that I would pay if he fixed some other thing, HE said that he would. Now its been 5months and I have not receved any rent. Isent him a notice to vacate the house. this was sent on the 3 of Jan 03. As of the 11 I have not herd from him. I am going to send him another on the 20th. I need to know what I have to do if he does not respond to the next notice. What will I have to do.
This is William again. I forgot to informyou that I have a renters agreement with the renter. The rent is due on the 1st of the month,no leater than the 5th.
State laws vary. Usually one sends a "three day notice" to cure the breach in not paying rent. Perhaps you should consider an eviction proceeding. These are done in "summary proceedings" that are usually expedited because the matters concerning landlord-tenant require a timely resolution.
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