no smoking

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New Member
Im a city employee in a non smoking building that has been allowed by my boss, with others to smoke in this building for the last 5-6 years, now if he decided to all of a sudden report this to higher ups , because of some other issue in his life, isnt he just as liable as the smokers for allowing this culture to exist for so long?
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That will be entirely the decision of the "higher ups". If they want to give him a pass because he was the one who came clean, or even because he's management and you're not, that will be entirely up to them.

If the underlying question here is, does the law say that you can't be disciplined unless he is also, the answer is no, the law does not say that.
I wasn't going to jump in but hey, what the heck. OH has smoke free workplace laws. In fact, you are not permitted to smoke within so many feet of the building.
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