No support being deducted from wages


New Member
New Jersey
My ex works with the Carpenters local union in NJ. He gets placed on jobs through the union hall and the companies that he works for changes from job to job. Problem is Child support is not being deducted while he is working on these union jobs.
Shouldn't the union office notify these companies that he gets placed on jobs with that he has a support order and child support should be deducted weekly? I do have an order through probation for Wage garnishment. How do I make the state aware that he is and has been working.
The union sends him out on the jobs but the union has nothing to do with the payroll processes of each company that pays him. A garnishment order would have to be issued by the court or the state to each company that he works for and it would have to be done before he gets paid.

The trouble with that is that he's likely to have moved on to the next company by the time the previous company is served and then it will be too late.

You're going to have to haul him into court for contempt or see if your state's child support enforcement agency can wring the money out of him.

If you get the state involved the state may have a way of intercepting his tax refunds if he gets any.
It isn't his employers' fault he isn't paying. File for non-payment of CS with the court.
No I understand its not his employers fault he's not paying it is HIS fault. Not blaming them I was more or less wondering since the Union is aware of the garnishment. But as a man and a father knowing you have a garnishment on a court order to pay support for your children you would think he would do the right thing and let the company know himself that he has this wage garnishment. I have requested an enforcement hearing but have not received a date yet.
But as a man and a father knowing you have a garnishment on a court order to pay support for your children you would think he would do the right thing and let the company know himself that he has this wage garnishment.

Yeah, right. You divorced him because he was a louse. Don't expect a change for the better.

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