New Member
On Feb 22, 2015 My Dad and I went to a Local dealership in town to purchase a vehicle. We found a car to my liking a 2014 Jeep Patriot . We put 1000 down had the remaining balance finance thru a finance company. Got the car insured drove off the same day. One monthe later we get a phone call stating we need to take the car to a local State police station to get a VIN inspection to my suprise I ask why. This isn't normal so we take the car to the station had it inspected took the paperwork to the dealership. No promblems . So Then we notice the temp tags we about to expire. Call the l dealership explain it was getting close to the expiration ask what's going on with the hard tags. Oh it the DMV they're a little slow the tags wil be in before the paper tags expire. Ok the paper tags expired . Call Dealership again , ask what's going on with the hard tags ? Oh you all need to come in and re-do some paperwork. THe car we sold you was sold to someone else but the person backout of the deal . THey never tool ownership of the car but we just need you to come in and re-do the paperwork. It is now June 19,2015 we still have not gotten the hard tags to this vehicle . My question is can we sue ? I ned some legal advice on how to handle this . They gave us another set of 60 day paper tags. What are we suppose to do?