No Will in Texas

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My Father passed some years ago and all of us Siblings signed our part of the house over to Mother,Mother passed three weeks ago and what I want to know is my half brother was my fathers son from previous marriage. Now that my mother (his stepmother) has passed without a Will- does brother have any entitlement to his part on their home?
In Texas, mother had singular rights to the home after dad passed. The home in Texas is community property.
I don't know what dad gave you, but your rights could not have been superior to mother's.

If the home belonged to mom, as it should have, a stepson of hers stands to inherit nothing.

I suggest you speak with an attorney.
Because there was a surviving child who was not the child of the surviving spouse, the community property is handled differently. All of the children, as a group, inherited a share of the community property upon the father's death.

Did your half-brother also sign over his interest to your mother? I agree that you should speak with an attorney.
Step son has no legal right to inherit from step mother

Had your mother predeceased your father then the father's children would have inheritance rights. However, since that is not the case, I agree with all of the other responders - without a will stating otherwise, the law of Intestate Succession deems the wife inherited from her deceased spouse and then when she dies, only her legal heirs are entitled to inherit her estate.
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