Consumer Law, Warranties non contract gifts

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New Member
a former friend of mine had helped me out by bying me a vehicle and some other stuff when i was going thru a rough time.the vehicle was paid for on day of purchase and was put in my name. we put a lein on vehicle for safekeeping.there was never a contract on anything she had bought for me but since she found out i had met someone and was getting married she has threatened with criminal and civil suits claiming i used her credit cards and ran up the bills. she has since filed bankruptsy and is wanting to take everything i have or make me sign a contract saying i owe her. can she take my vehicle and other gifts. i have had the vehicle almost 2 years and the other stuff in question 2 years.
I have one large problem with your story - why would anyone buy you a gift like a vehicle (which is very expensive) and then for "safekeeping" put a lien on the vehicle? My thought is that more likely scenario is that she used her credit to help you buy a vehicle. Who owns the lien? If it was financed, than even she doesn't really own the vehicle and the finance company may have a superior right to repossess the vehicle. If she has a lien on the vehicle, then how can you claim it was an outright gift to you?
yes if you knew all the reasons you would know but anyway thanks it is all taken care of, it was all done peacefully and i have the title once again thanks and keep up your good work!
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